Ok, so I've now done three crits, two mtb races, and a night of track racing since my last entry. Results were: 9th, DNF, 2nd, 2nd, and I haven't checked the results for track yet.
More important results? Getting fit and having lots of fun doing it!
Last weekend was a super fun ride up at Nisene Marks with seven of my friends. We had a blast, then I went out a played soccer for the first time in months and my legs were hella sore on Monday. Today, out for a short run, some stretching, now to get ready for another night of track racing. Between school, work, training, racing and working on my own business, I'm quite busy. Nevertheless, I will make it a priority to start posting weekly.
In other news, if anyone hasn't heard, I'm getting all "I can change the world" on you guys. So here are some good links to check out.
http://www.freethechildren.com/http://www.fouryearsgo.org/Also, if you haven't heard about the new Nissan Leaf, you should check it out. Note bene: Nissan is working on a full line of completely electric vehicles, now we just need to get switched over to solar power and we'll really be making progress.
More race updates and Save the Earth propaganda coming next week!
Until then, a pic of me and some friends on the lift at North Star last summer. Woot!