Wednesday, April 29, 2009

More cow bell.

So I did a three hour spin, and it was great for my legs. The knee felt good, and after I stretched I felt even better. I guess not stretching is taking its toll. Better get back on that.

The ride itself was ok. It's lonely riding solo, even with an iPod. I found myself wishing I could be on some trails. Riding on dirt is somehow so much more satisfying to me. It makes me feel like a kid. Like I did when I was 13 and I took out that $250 GT mountain bike and rode it off a curb. I felt like a Greek god. Like someone had given me winged sandals. Wind in my hair, I took that bike and rode it to death. It finally got retired when the crank arm broke during a dirt jumping session. An activity well beyond the bicycles intended scope of use.

All that to say, simply, I'm dying for cross season to start and it's still four months away. Oh well, I have plenty of things to finish in preparation for the season anyway.


  1. Maybe you could download some audio books to keep yourself from getting bored for spinning sessions that long. Unless your going too hard to pay attention or something...I don't know...just an idea. And this isn't ultra boring...just mostly boring hahahahahh just kidding!

  2. I was actually out on the road, spinning easy. It just isn't that exciting when what you want to be doing is jamming on the trails you can see from the road you're on.
